It's been there for years. . .
I won't lie to myself, because that's the truth. Rather or not I like it. I thought about a sex change for years & it still comes to mind. At this moment there's only one person that already knows this. I will not say, because she knows who she is. I haven't told anyone else yet either. .but I guess when I have the guts to tell I will. . But until then it stays locked inside of me. Yes, I am a lesbian, but I'm also something else & have known it for years on end. If I said I was two things at once people wouldn't understand & I swear they still don't. .but hey that's their opinion not mine. I don't care what people think. Never have, until something strikes me. Than maybe yeah..
I always knew I was a lesbian, but something else struck me. I'd have more often times, I felt like a guy & not a girl. When I was younger people would spread rumors that I was a transexual. It's funny though, because even though at the time I wasn't & I'm still not at the moment, (but just maybe soon) I knew it was true. .I'd smile or smerk every time somebody said it. At the time I didn't know exactly what a lesbian was, but I knew what gay ment both ways & I knew what a transexual/transgender person was. So yeah, it's been about 6-7 years since I've had these thoughts in my head. Long time eh? Tell me what you think if anyone reads this.
Thanks!! Peace Out!! (-<)
In : What's on my mind